The folks behind the Internet Toolbox had goal of world domination.
Unfortunately, their plans for achieving their goals didn’t quite add up.
Plan B (or closer to Q) turned into this website, along with a feed for Twitter and Facebook, that offers up various tools and websites that could be a nice addition to your personal toolbox.
Our loss (at global domination) is now your gain, so you’re welcome.
So what do we offer? Every day, we post 4 unique links to websites, apps, and various tools provided by the magic internet. We run massive searches to find the best of the new (or at least new to us) links possible, while also recycling some of our more popular links that may be new to you come the second (third, fourth, eighty-eighth…) time around.
If you want to suggest a link to add for all the Internet ToolBoxers’ use, CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT. We don’t care if you are a regular person with a cool tool you personally love or an app developer looking to pimp your own work. We’ve got no qualms about you trying to make a few Bitcoin. Plus, you can use the same form just to send us a quick hello.
J Cleveland Payne is the voice of the Internet ToolBox Daily Podcast. Every day, just like we release our 4 link for useful and interesting tool and apps you can find on the web, he releases an audio describing those tools.
You can subscribe to that feed HERE
The most important part of this page is to say thank you. Thank you for stopping by and giving our suggestions a try. We may never have enought disposibal cash to swim in like Scrooge McDuck, but you would be surprised how much work you can get out of people when you generate enough smiles.
– The Internet ToolBox Team